With rapid inflation taking its toll across America, one thing seems to stand out amongst the rest, and that is the skyrocketing price of eggs. Vincent High School’s Agriculture program received baby hens in May of 2022 and the students and staff have been raising them since. The eggs are sold for $4.00 a dozen, which is a great deal for farm-fresh eggs compared to the price grocery stores sell them. Mrs. Gahan, one of the teachers and organizers, is aware that they are selling them at a lower price, but because it is a small operation, they can cover their costs. She also believes there is a bigger lesson her students can take away from their hard work. Gahan states “it is a way for the kids to actually see what they are doing out here; transports into food for somebody else.” During these troubling times, it is very thoughtful of Gahan and her students to aid their community. If you are looking to purchase farm-fresh, local eggs, check out Vincent High School’s Agriculture Facebook page or attend the school’s fish fries this coming March.