Monday, May 20, 2024
Melody McCurtis Picture

Melody McCurtis is the Deputy Director & lead Organizer of Metcalfe Park Community Bridges, a resident-led organization committed to creating a thriving, liberated, and robust Metcalfe Park community. Melody Mccurtis grew up in Metcalfe Park, a hyper-majority Black community on Milwaukee’s Northside. She has always been committed to working with her neighbors of Metcalfe Park to create the community they deserve by dismantling, imagining, creating, and building simultaneously. By all means of organizing, we are grounded in community-led power and creation, understanding that we/us are the experts of what we experience, the dreamers of our desires, and the genius of our liberated future. She prioritizes and is directed by her Neighbor's Community-led Reinvestment Plan. She is a Queer, single mother & Co-parent of 3 beautiful children. Melody is a warrior in her own right leading from a place of life lessons and experience. She is passionate about worker and housing Cooperatives, mutual aid, civic engagement & advocacy, and all things Justice, for all Black lives.